Help for Writers

Jessica enjoys sharing what she has learned and encouraging new and new-ish authors as they pursue their own writing careers.

Picture Book Manuscript Critique $40

Whether you have critique partners or not, it can still be helpful to have your manuscript professionally critiqued. Jessica will also provide comp titles if you need any ideas. Price includes review after one round of revisions. She will usually provide a response in 3-5 days. Payment via Paypal.

Email Jessica to get started.

Query Letter Critique $30

Jessica loves to review query letters and offer advice for strengthening yours. A Query Letter Critique includes a critique of your intro, pitch, and biographical info. She will also provide comp titles if you need any ideas. Price includes review after one round of revisions. She will usually provide a response in 3-5 days. *If reading your manuscript is required for Jessica to better understand your query letter, this price does not include feedback or critique of the manuscript itself. Payment via Paypal.

Email Jessica to get started.

30-Min. Brain-Picking Chat $30

Do you need help sorting out the differences between submitting to a publisher and querying an agent? Do you maybe just wonder about some things that you haven’t found answers to elsewhere? Set up a 30-min timeslot to meet over Zoom or phone. There you can ask Jessica any questions you have, organized or disorganized. She is happy to talk about her experience in the hopes it can help you. Payable via paypal. *If less than 30 minutes, Jessica will adjust the price.

Email Jessica to get started.

How to Talk to Booksellers Webinar $25

Happening March 3, 2025 | 11am EST | via zoom

For traditionally-published authors of any genre and format. Jessica will share her own experience communicating with independent US bookstores. Covers: Tips for introducing yourself to booksellers; how to follow-up and record progress; ways you can offer more to the store; why this all matters. You’ll take with you: Sample email subject lines, first lines, email body, and spreadsheet framework. Duration: Approx. 1 hour + time for questions. To secure your spot, email Jessica with MARCH 3 as the subject. Payment via Paypal only. If you can’t attend live, registrants have access to the recording for 1 week afterwards.


60-Min. Brain-Picking Chat $60

Do you need help sorting out the differences between submitting to a publisher and querying an agent? Do you maybe just wonder about some things that you haven’t found answers to elsewhere? Set up a 60-min timeslot to meet over Zoom or phone. There you can ask Jessica any questions you have, organized or disorganized. She is happy to talk about her experience in the hopes it can help you. Payable via paypal. *If less than 60 minutes, Jessica will adjust the price.

Email Jessica to get started.


“The time and effort she invested in the critique were immediately apparent, and her feedback helped me explore a few things I hadn’t considered.”

“Jessica has given me great advice. I highly recommend her.”

“I’ve gained loads of insights from her caring words. A truer honest critique can’t be found.”

“She asks questions and provides feedback that helped improve story arc, character development, voice and tone.”